Are Cemeteries Dead? Celebrating Life After A Cremation
Are cemeteries obsolete? Over 65% choose cremation in California and other states. Rising funeral and burial costs, lack of space, changes in spiritual beliefs and concern for our planet are driving this historic shift in how people address end-of-life. Many mourners, however, have grief and closure issues after a cremation. Families are often divided over the handling of ashes. Many see cemeteries as a poor use of land and water resources. In California, ventures are emerging that address these needs, and also seek to create eco-conscious alternatives to lawn cemeteries. Join Architectural designer Guy Turner and Bravo, the founder of Healing A.P.E. (Healing Artists Preserving Earth) as they discuss these changes and unveil their vision for Here to Eternity, healing center in Joshua Tree where art and nature replace tombstones and coffins.