Are we there, YET? Restless minds, grieving hearts
Yes, we are all still doing our best to adapt to this new way of life. And, yes, we are not quite sure exactly what the 'new normal' might be for each of us. What we do know is how challenging this massive act of caring for self and others can be at times. Are you feeling grief sometimes? Are you feeling restless at other times? Are you not sure what you are feeling sometimes, too? You are not alone if this is sounding familiar. Join me for a 90 min rest stop to lean into one another as we access our ability to bring equanimity and self-compassion to this very twisty turns journey we are all on. Pull over. Turn off the engine. Rest awhile. There will be an expressive writing exercise, and a series of gentle yoga poses followed by a yoga nidra designed specifically for this part of our trip. Stick around for the singing bowl sound bath at the end to soothe your spirits. We might not be THERE yet, but perhaps we can find some inner peace in being where we are NOW.
Have a pen and paper, a yoga mat and a blanket ready. No previous yoga experience necessary.
Any donations (dana) to the facilitator is greatly appreciated and can be made via Venmo (@ken-breniman).