"Fear of death" is very different from fear of dying- or fear of getting killed- and it is likely the single most difficult emotional baggage for most people to shed, as they do not even realize they suffer from it. I am Los Angeles mystic and artist Bravo Valenti, and I have channeled many famous artists and spiritual healers, who have shared their wisdom and entrusted me to bring their messages to our troubled world, to help heal our planet. But before I could do that, I had to overcome my own "fear of death," and I oddly credit Vincent Van Gogh with helping me find the answer. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, "fear of failure/fear of success," underachievement, career dissatisfaction, workaholism, alcoholism or drug addiction, "fear of death" is high on the list of the reasons why you feel unfulfilled. When I share my unique perspective on "fear of death" with people struggling with serious blockages, they typically have an "Aha!" moment, that begins their road to healing. It is not a miracle cure- but without understanding this concept, it is virtually impossible to overcome the neurosis and blockage that so many suffer from. Overcoming "fear of death"- in fact, just learning what it is and how we acquire it- is more often than not the first and most important step to learning how to live a fulfilling life. You will leave this event with a deeper understanding of self-love, self-worth, and a clearer path for how to overcome whatever is holding you back in life.