Two Wings- Grief & Gratitude Ritual. Session 3

Song & ritual are safe containers for the most difficult of emotions and for the often unspeakable rifts, losses & separations.
Using the superb writings of Francis Weller from his book: "The Wild Edge of Sorrow" we will explore the 5 gates of grief & gratitude.
We will guide you through a series of sacred rituals creating space to come as you are, to feel & express your hearts profound shifts when living with & moving through sorrow.
Today is Gate 3: "Sorrows of the world/tending the earth"
We will take time to remember, honour and claim our scar stories and use music as a healing balm for the soul.
Grief and gratitude each have their own voice in the music of the spheres, allowing them to be in duet and in harmony requires letting go into the great mystery of life and death.
1hr 15mins ritual.
Bring if you’re able:
· a cup of dirt/soil
· a piece of fruit (representing new life)
· a candle
· a journal, pen and crayons