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Trish Watts

Trish Watts

Sydney Australia, NSW

I am here to reimagine...

I am here to reimagine the capacity for every life to sing! Regardless of colour, creed, age, race, culture or opportunity. When we sing together the emotional landscape change between us. Its hard to fight when you're singing as one!

My Story

I felt like a 'performing head', stuck in the expectations of others, and trying to fit into systems that were too restrictive, leaving me feeling amputated rather than whole. Discovering InterPlay(R) 30yrs ago was a breath of fresh air. We were invited to 'play with life rather than work on it' which was sheer relief! As a singer and performing artist I've had the good fortune to team up with oth...
I felt like a 'performing head', stuck in the expectations of others, and trying to fit into systems that were too restrictive, leaving me feeling amputated rather than whole. Discovering InterPlay(R) 30yrs ago was a breath of fresh air. We were invited to 'play with life rather than work on it' which was sheer relief! As a singer and performing artist I've had the good fortune to team up with others to co-found InterPlay Australia. Our vision is to foster community art practices that unlock the wisdom of the body through singing, moving, storytelling, connecting and stillness. I'm also a registered Voice Movement Therapy practitioner and Choir Director. The past few years have taken me through Asia, cofounding Cambodia Sings -rekindling the love of singing for all Cambodians.

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