Future Creation - A guided visualization for clarity

You're invited to a guided visualization journey, intended to explore what truly lights you up. If you've been experiencing confusion, uncertainty or even anxiety over what to do and how to move forward in life, this is an opportunity for you to surrender to your inner wisdom and become clear on your authentic desires, goals and dreams.
This visualization may lay the foundation for a more focused and easeful future path.
No prior experience is required, only curiosity. You may experience a sense of calm, and even stress relief and better sleep.
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
****What to expect****
After a short period of gentle stretches to arrive in the body, I’ll be guiding you in a meditation for grounding and body awareness. Then, we will embark on a creative visualization journey with the intention of letting the fog set and let more clarity emerge for your future path.
**** Logistical details****
Some guidance to make this a ‘zen’ experience for yourself as well as your fellow participants:
> Be prepared to sit comfortably for 50min at a time.
> No need to switch your microphone or video on if you prefer to remain unseen or nonverbal in your own space throughout the session.
> For those who want to connect, chat, share experiences or just say a quick hi, I'll open for a short optional closing circle.
> For those new to zoom: You‘ll want to download the zoom.us app ahead of time and make sure you can log in without any issues.
**** Donation based offering ****
This session is offered on a sliding scale basis. No one is turned away for lack of funds. Pay what you can and know that by selecting the sliding scale option that is a small stretch for you, you are enabling less fortunate people to participate as well.
I can't wait to dive into this experience with you.