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Creating Space
This event was part of Creating Space

Creating Space for A Good Cry

Hosted by Show & Tales

Creating Space for A Good Cry
I am sorry for your loss. Together we will create space for a good cry. I know I need it! Let’s show photos & things that we keep to remember our loved ones who have died.

Have you kept mementos of your loved ones lost? Photos, aprons, clothing, kitchen gadgets, paintings, jewelry, locks of hair, baby teeth, ashes…? Do they help you keep the memory of your loved one alive?

Do you keep cards, letters and thank you notes that you read, over and over, because they inspire you to persevere and keep going? Or do you have a favorite recipe you make when you’re feeling down or want to remember? Every Thing has a story.

Everyone is welcome to show & tale or look & listen. No need to practice! Just show your object and share its tale out loud, to yourself or in the chat.

Let's hold space for one another to cry .... and if laughter comes too it's all good.

Show & Tale is honored to be featured in Allison Gilbert's book Passed & Present: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive.

And I am honored to be invited into your lives & those of your loved ones by hearing your/their stories of the things you keep.

Ritual & Ceremony Storytelling