Memories in Music

Memories in Music
“Everytime I hear this song I think of you…”
In a recent online-streamed concert, singer/songwriter Michael Waite played a song for Sarah Peterson, founder and president of Clear Mourning. The concert was on her late father's birthday, and the song was from the father-daughter dance at Sarah’s wedding. In doing so Michael offered a gesture of intention and kindness that had a powerful impact on Sarah’s spirit and the grief over losing her father.
In trying to recreate an experience like this for other grievers, Clear Mourning and Michael Waite are hosting Memories in Music, a virtual concert of song requests. A grieving person is often caught between memories of the past, the present feelings of love and loss, and the life as it goes on around them. Music can be a way to connect those memories and experiences of love in the community of others.
Is there a song that reminds you of your loved one? Please join us in community as we host this innovative way of meaning-making and honoring through music.
Song submissions can be made through this link: