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Mourning Into Unity: Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace

Mourning Into Unity: Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace
Join us online for an Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace hosted by St. Luke's in Atlanta Georgia.

A continuation of the Mourning into Unity vigils, this service will give space to grieve the deaths of the ongoing pandemic and all our collective losses: unemployment, unsafe school and workplaces, distance from family and friends. Special guests from across Atlanta's faith and civic communities will share prayers for peace. We're hosting this prayer service weekly until Monday, January 4.

Mourning Into Unity brings Americans together to grieve the deaths of the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic and all our collective losses: unemployment, unsafe schools, unsafe workplaces, unsafe tomorrow. By peacefully gathering together, we defuse the rising tide of violence threatening our country. In the spaces of our mourning as a nation lies the nexus of our wholeness, oneness and health. It'll do you--and our country-- a world of good because healing our nation begins with mourning--and unity follows.


Ritual & Ceremony Mourning into Unity