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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
Reimagine Events
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Are Our Dead Bodies the Future of Sustainability?

Hosted by Transcend

Are Our Dead Bodies the Future of Sustainability?
Transcend is planting people (and pets) as trees when they die as a means of reforesting the world. Join the Founder & other key advisors for an exclusive virtual discussion and Q&A.

Join us for an exclusive virtual discussion and Q&A moderated by Transcend's Founder & CEO Matthew Kochmann. He'll be joined by several key advisors who are supporting Transcend in its mission to reforest the world by planting people (and pets) as trees when they die. We'll have a rich conversation about the growing "Future Tree" movement, the global implications of planning a values-driven death, and why you should care about Tree Burial today.


Darren Aronofsky // Acclaimed filmmaker & environmentalist

Matt Hill // Founder & CEO of One Tree Planted

Jennifer DeBruyn Ph.D. // Human decomposition expert and lead microbial ecologist at The Body Farm

Transcend is rewilding the world by planting people (and pets) as trees when they die. Our unique Tree Burial process is a climate change solution that repurposes the most life-giving natural resource known to mankind: our bodies. A bold, carbon-negative alternative to caskets and cremation, Tree Burial creates life from death by returning people to the earth naturally so their biology can literally live on as a tree.

Transcend is pioneering the "Future Tree" movement to help people cultivate a healthier relationship with their mortality and the planet. We believe trees are the answer to the biggest challenges facing society today, and that death can be a world-changing catalyst that impacts generations beyond our lifetime. By using nature as a vehicle, Tree Burial reminds us that endings are always beginnings. Visit to learn more.

Talk, Panel, & Conversation


Wellness Environment End-of-Life Planning Living Fully Science