Coffee Chat: An Americas COVID-19 Memorial
Hosted by Biennial of the Americas, Reimagine, In honor of The 1.3 million lives lost to COVID-19 across the Americas

Join us for a virtual conversation to explore how the artistic imagination conceives a memorial dedicated to this contemporary tragedy.
Join us on April 16th at 9:00 am MST for a Coffee Chat conversation on how artist driven projects like the Americas COVID-19 Memorial can create a platform for conversation and community healing. Panelists include Arielle Julia Brown (Performance Curator and Cultural Producer, Monument Lab), Maria Paz Gaviria (Director, ARTBO) and Derrick Velasquez (Artist & Curator) and Jen Delos Reyes (Director and Founder, Open Engagement).
Talk, Panel, & Conversation Community Gathering Celebration & Remembrance
Arts & Entertainment
This event is in honor of The 1.3 million lives lost to COVID-19 across the Americas
While the Americas accounts for approximately 13% of the world’s population it has experienced nearly 50% of the world’s COVID-19 deaths, with over 1.3 Million lost. The Western Hemisphere has been disproportionately affected by the social disruption, loss of life and economic instability of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe this project will serve as an opportunity to acknowledge the challenge the Americas uniquely faced as well as create opportunities for unity and shared healing through art.