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San Francisco, CA

We are here to reimagine...

how to spark community-driven experiences that explore death and celebrate life through creativity and conversation.

Our Story

Our purpose as a nonprofit organization is to host a public conversation that transforms our approach to life. Reimagine is a community-wide exploration of death and celebration of life through creativity and conversation. Drawing on the arts, spirituality, healthcare, and design, we create weeklong series of events that break down taboos and bring diverse communities together in wonder, preparati...
Our purpose as a nonprofit organization is to host a public conversation that transforms our approach to life. Reimagine is a community-wide exploration of death and celebration of life through creativity and conversation. Drawing on the arts, spirituality, healthcare, and design, we create weeklong series of events that break down taboos and bring diverse communities together in wonder, preparation, and remembrance. We envision a world in which we are all able to reflect on why we’re here, prepare for a time when we won’t be, and live fully right up until the end. Reimagine was initially prototyped in 2016, inspired by OpenIDEO’s End of Life Challenge as part of an effort to investigate the intersection of art, community, and end of life.

Upcoming Reimagine events

Reimagine Events

Let’s Take Action: The Wisdom of Grieving Parents

A dialogue between Dr. Joanne Cacciatore and Joyal Mulheron followed by an opportunity for participants to reflect on growth and learning after the loss of a child.
Wed. March 26
12:00 PM - 1:20 PM
$0 - $30

Poetic Medicine for Grief for Chinese Americans Session 1

Are you grieving the loss a loved one? Use poetry in community as a path to healing. Join us for three poetic medicine sessions to help process your grief in this novel UCSF study.
Mon. March 31
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Reimagine Virtual Candlelight Vigil with Suzanne O'Brien, RN

Let's honor our loved ones, hold space for grief, and reflect on the possibilities of transformation with Suzanne O'Brien, RN, founder and CEO of Doulagivers Institute.
Wed. April 02
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
$0 - $30

Poetic Medicine for Grief for Chinese Americans Session 2

Are you grieving the loss a loved one? Use poetry in community as a path to healing. Join us for three poetic medicine sessions to help process your grief in this novel UCSF study.
Mon. April 07
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Reimagine’s Why Wait? Group Pathway

You’re invited to join Reimagine’s Why Wait? Group Pathway, a 10-week guided small-group experience designed to help you take action toward living fully, even in the face of life’s uncertainties.
Wed. April 09
10 Sessions on Zoom
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
$25 - $350

Let’s Learn: Finding Strength in our Struggle with Illness

We kick-off this Reimagine series with four guests who share their stories and their wisdom in their journeys with chronic and serious illness.
Wed. April 09
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
$0 - $30

Let’s Experience: Finding Strength in Our Struggle with Illness

Choreographer, movement educator and multiple myeloma cancer survivor Larissa Velez-Jackson shares easy-going exercises used by performers to boost self love, restful presence and inner resilience at home.
Wed. April 16
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
$0 - $30

Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi: Today Me, Tomorrow You

Enjoy this virtual journey through beautiful cemeteries and graveyards from all over the world, and learn the art of community death care and home funerals.
Wed. April 16
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Making Connections: 25 Innovators Tackling the Loneliness Epidemic

A lightning round showcasing 25 leaders with innovative projects to combat loneliness in 2025.
Thu. April 17
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
$0 - $30

Room for Grief

Join us for our Room for Grief series: drop-in sessions on the third Thursday of every month, offering peer-led group support when you need it.
Thu. April 17
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
$0 - $30

Let’s Take Action: Finding Strength in our Struggle with Illness

A dialogue between Jeannie Blaustein and Wendy Videlock on the power of poetry and art as we navigate health challenges.
Wed. April 23
4:00 PM - 5:20 PM
$0 - $30

Poetic Medicine for Grief for Chinese Americans Session 3

Are you grieving the loss a loved one? Use poetry in community as a path to healing. Join us for three poetic medicine sessions to help process your grief in this novel UCSF study.
Mon. April 28
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Oh, Broken-Open Heart: A Mother's Day Poetry Gathering for Mourners

Join Reimagine and Evermore for an hour and a half of poetry, writing, conversation, and connection. Poets James Crews and Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer provide a virtual refuge for people who have lost a mother/mother figure or a child.
Thu. May 08
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
$0 - $30

Room for Grief

Join us for our Room for Grief series: drop-in sessions on the third Thursday of every month, offering peer-led group support when you need it.
Thu. May 15
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
$0 - $30

Previous Reimagine events