Death over Drafts Happy Hour

Death over Drafts Happy Hour initial gathering was part of Reimagine SF 2019.
Today's Happy Hour falls on National Healthcare Decision Day (US)/Advance Care Planning Day (Can.) Stefanie Elkins, Aging Life Care Manager® & End-of-Life Specialist, and Jennifer Timer, End of Life Doula & Grief Counsellor, will have fun being your ACP Co-Guides to help jumpstart your reflection and take action.
Special Guest: Brad Wolfe, Reimagine's Founder!
4:40 pm: “Pre-Party” begins! Get to know us & some of the other Happy Hour regulars.
5 pm: Official “Cheers” & start of Happy Hour!
- Drinking beer is not required. Any beverage is welcome!
- Embrace JEDI principles.
- Participation is up to you.
- Zoom is recorded.
Background: Stefanie Elkins, Be Present Care along with Jill Schock, Death Doula LA, welcomed others who shared their passions-beer tasting & engaging conversations on death & dying. To check previous gatherings go to: DOD HH-2020 and Dive into Death YouTube Station