Death over Drafts Happy Hour (Torrance, CA)

Death over Drafts Happy Hour is an opportunity for those who serve in the end of life space and the curious to gather. It started with co-brewers, Stefanie Elkins, Eldercare Manager & End-of-Life Doula with Be Present Care along with Jill Schock, Death Doula LA, welcomed others who shared their passions-beer tasting & engaging conversations on death & dying. The Death Deck continue to be a welcome conversation starter that is featured at many happy hours.
As the thirst for conversation we are co-crafting Death over Drafts Happy Hours across the country.
Be Present Care, Death Doula LA, The Death Deck, Co-Crafters for Death over Drafts in Torrance are:AgeWell SouthBay and Heavenly Mist Death Doula and Featuring special out of town guest: Jennifer O’Brien, Hospice Doctor’s Widow Jennifer will share a special excerpt of her award winning book.Death over Drafts Happy Hour is opportunity for those who serve in the end of life space and the curious to gather. It started with Stefanie Elkins, Eldercare Manager/End-of-Life Doula with Be Present Care along with Jill Schock, Death Doula LA, welcomed others who shared their passions-beer tasting & engaging conversations on death & dying. The Death Deck will also be joining us!!
Monthly Happy Hours continue at different greater Los Angeles breweries as well as on Zoom.
- Brewery is in Torrance, CA
- Event free
- We will be outside-where something warm and cozy!
- All our welcome
- You can still come if you don't love beer ;)
To check previous gatherings go to: DOD HH-2020 and Dive into Death YouTube Station