Grief In Community

The end of the calendar year can be a busy time for people. There are holidays, finishing up projects with work or school, family gatherings, and vacations to enjoy. In all of the busy-ness, how often do we take a moment for ourselves, for reflection, to listen to our hearts?
And even if we do take a moment to check in, do we allow ourselves to honestly feel and express the grief, the sadness, the hurt that our hearts are carrying?
Because of all of the happy festivities, colorful lights, and beautiful music all around, it can feel especially ostracizing to give voice to our grief and broken hearts instead.
This event is intended to provide a safe and loving space where we can come just as we are and listen to our hearts-- whatever they are trying to tell us-- and connect with others’ as well.
My name is Jenny Dilts and I LOVE grief. I know that not many people do. My core purpose is to journey with my fellow life-travelers in loving and respectful connection. As Ram Dass teaches, "We're all just walking each other home." And because of what I've learned along the way, my hope, desire, delight is to help others see that there can be light and beauty in the darkness and heavy times of our lives.
Trained through the ICF credentialed program Coaching at End of Life I have learned to bring a more positive and compassionate perspective of grief into my own life, my family, and to those I work with in my neighborhood, community, and the world. I love connecting with spiritual heart-centered community leaders and helping them build a better relationship with grief.
(Photo credit: Sanet Nieuwoudt on