Healing Together Through the Holidays
Hosted by Griefhab

Healing Together Through the Holidays is a 7 day Live Event
(streaming worldwide!) featuring multiple speakers every day, as well as a community of others who understand. Without words!
Griefhab™ presents the 2nd Annual Healing Together Through the Holidays Summit - in honor of National Grief Awareness Week.
Because no one knows there IS a National Grief Awareness Week
This world doesn’t discuss grief. Calendars don’t acknowledge National Grief Awareness Day or National Grief Awareness Week.
Holidays are surrounded by bright lights and festivities, yet millions of people struggle through complicated emotions with little or no support.
Because Grief is Invisible.
Yet it’s the one thing we’ll all experience - more than once.
Because Grief Doesn’t Discriminate.
Healing Together Through the Holidays is a 7 day Live Event (streaming worldwide!) featuring multiple speakers every day, as well as a community of others who understand. Without words!
Join us December 2nd through the 8th. Attend virtually everywhere (all times are in MST) or in person, LIVE in Northern Colorado.