Healing Voices: Sounds of Healing & Connection

Within indigenous communities we use sacred sound (vocables) to move beyond the limitations of language to express ourselves and move into connection with the Sacred and one another.
We invite you to join us as we explore through Sacred sound, rhythm and gentle movement the places of grief and transformation arising from within your body and the landscape you find yourself in.
Our use of sound is primarily vocal expression following indigenous song harmonies and rhythms and will allow opportunities for your creative vocal expression and rhythm.
Gemma B. Benton is a traditional Native American singer, mixed media artist, and author of the "Healing Her Story Oracle" Cards. She offers her 27 years of experience working with traditional Native American healers to help people heal the wounds that have been passed down through the generations so that together we can reclaim the power, clarity and wisdom of our ancestors and bring healing and transformation to the planet. You can learn more about her work at gemmabbenton.com
Heidi Guitron is a nature based educator and culture leader. She offers her thirty years of experience working with permaculture design and education to move deep into connection with the Earth and ourselves. Heidi is Chamorro descent and lives in the Sacramento area.
You can learn more about their work together at bit.ly/returningtothesacred
Fatima Ayan Malika Hirsi is a Pink Door Fellow whose work appears in The Texas Observer, Entropy, The Boiler, Bearing the Mask, and other portals. Her work as a community arts organizer focused on uplifting underrepresented voices and addressing injustice. Her chapbooks are Moon Woman (Thoughtcrime Press) and EVERYTHING GOOD IS DYING (Deep Vellum Publishing). Her first full-length collection, Sounds of the Earth’s Hands, is forthcoming from Deep Vellum. You can learn more about her work at fatimaayanmalikahirsi.com, or find her on Instagram at @fatimaayanmalika.