If Not Now, When-Compassionate Advance Care Planning Program

Have you been “shoulding” about getting your Advance Care Plan/Healthcare Directives done or updated?
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process of conversations & creating vital directives to express your healthcare goals, values, & wishes for when you’re not able to speak for yourself.
Join Stefanie Elkins, Aging Life Care Manager® & End-of-Life Specialist and Jennifer Timer, End of Life Doula & Grief Counsellor, your ACP Co-Guides, as we provide YOU with dedicated time for reflection and accountability that will lead to current update/completion in documenting your healthcare goals & wishes.
- Two curated 90-minute sessions:
- Saturday, April 24 & Saturday, May 8 from 10-11:30 am PST
- PLUS: Personalized 1:1 goal setting session with one of your co-guides.
- Review, reflect and provide detail on what is need to complete an advance directive w/focus on
- Identifying a healthcare agent
- Life sustaining treatments
- Provide an intimate & safe space to ask questions.
- Incorporate mindfulness to address feelings especially if death anxiety creeps in.
- Share ACP resources & tools that will assist you in staying organized and prepared.
- Two witnesses ready to sign your advance care directive.
Leave this series feeling empowered & informed with peace of mind noting your priorities have been documented and shared.
Wellness End-of-Life Planning HealthcareThis event is in honor of Nat. Healthcare Decisions(US)/Advance Care Planning Day(CAN)
National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning. USA
Advance Care Planning (Day) is a process of reflection and communication. It is a time for you to reflect on your values and wishes, and to let people know what kind of health and personal care you would want in the future if you were unable to speak for yourself. Canada