Let Me IntervYOU! Episode #2

During Season 2 of Let Me IntervYOU!, let's try something together that is more interactive. Throughout 2023, we’ll gather for one hour every third Thursday of a month and use a Super Big Boggle game to shake out letter cubes and identify as many words as each of us can in four minutes. Perhaps one word you find will elicit a memory of a Loved One and, more important, a story from you. Event attendees who feel comfortable sharing one word will be invited to share their story. Words are powerful and can create magic. Memories are precious and can convey meaning for a life lived. Stories are essential and can make sense of our lived experience.
A Super Big Boggle word game has 36 letter cubes. The hourglass timer has just four minutes worth of white sand. What words will we find? What memories will inspire us? What stories will we hear? Please come join us each month as we explore the intersection of language, memory and love.
Host: Lily Liu, Family Caregiver and Storyteller