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Say it Now: Make a Loving Gift for Someone Who Needs a Boost

Say it Now: Make a Loving Gift for Someone Who Needs a Boost
Celebrate someone you love who is far away or who may be lost, lonely, or grieving right now. During this joyful + connecting workshop you'll create a one-of-a-kind gift of love.

This year more than ever we need connection and meaning in our lives. Many people are still reeling from the pandemic, politics, loss of loved ones, depression, financial worries, and isolation.

During difficult times likes these — both on a global level and personally, we can show people in our lives that we love and appreciate them in a meaningful way that they will not expect. 

What if you choose to tell just ONE PERSON — your mother, your uncle, your child, your best friend, a colleague from work — WHY they have made a difference in your life?

“All my life I have attended funerals where people tell beautiful stories and express their love and appreciation for the person who passed away,” says Sherry Richert Belul. “Inevitably, there is a sense of regret that they didn’t say how they felt when the person was alive to hear it. We often wait until someone has passed away until we celebrate their lives. My mission is to help people express their love NOW!”

As part of Sherry's "Say It Now" work, she hosts workshops in which she leads people through a simple, but profound, process of creating what she calls a LOVE LIST. 

A LOVE LIST is a brainstorm of all the reasons you love someone and what makes them unique. This gift is sweet, funny, or serious. It can include any number — from five to fifteen to fifty — of loving attributes characteristics or memories about someone and what they mean to you.  

During this workshop, Sherry will lead you through prompts and questions to help you easily and joyfully create a LOVE LIST gift for someone in your life who greatly needs a boost of love and light. 

One of the best things about this gift is that it doesn’t cost any money to create. Also, it makes a beautiful last-minute gift. And is perfect for long-distance gift giving!  

It is a gift of love that lasts a lifetime. 

And you know what else? When you create this gift, before you even send or give it, it uplifts YOU. We feel better when we are in the process of putting love into action!

It is a wonderful practice to create LOVE LISTS in community.

Ritual & Ceremony Talk, Panel, & Conversation Workshop Writing & Literature Celebration & Remembrance


Wellness Spirituality Grief Isolation & Connection Living Fully