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Show & Tale: Artifacts & Totems (Pandemic Edition)

Hosted by Show & Tales
Show & Tale: Artifacts & Totems (Pandemic Edition)

This is a digital event. You should receive information in your ticket or from the host about how to join online.

$0 - $10
Has it really been 5 year since we became aware of the pandemic (in the US)? Do you remember where you were when you first learned of Covid-19? Bring the Things that will tell your pandemic story

It was both a difficult & beautiful time for me. How about you?

I've lost over 25 family & friends since 2020, AND I reconnected with the love of my life from 30 years before, who is now my wife.

What did you save from your time during quarantine?

As you may know Museums & Historical Societies wanted your pandemic stuff and stories while in the middle of #lockdown.

We are ALWAYS living history but now more than ever we KNOW it and these institutions moved quickly to document our experiences while we’re living them.

Join us to share a bit of your pandemic story through a Thing you keep. Show & Tell or Look & Listen.

Bring a photo or object from your Covid-19 collection and share its tale at our Show & Tales.

Every Thing has a story©.

Bring these & any other object that has a story to show and tell

And remember you don’t have to show & tell… you can just look & listen.

Join us for FREE or make a donation to support the work of non-profit Marked by COVID:

All rights reserved: Copy & Image property of Thingtide Show & Tale (R) 

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