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Reimagine Events
This event was part of Reimagine Events

Tending to Grief: Nurturing Your Grieving Process

Tending to Grief: Nurturing Your Grieving Process
We believe that many desire to take care of themselves and their grieving loved ones, but find words of comfort insufficient and don’t know what to do next.

Losing a loved one is a difficult and normal part of life. The grief we experience after the death of a friend or family member can be overwhelming at times, but is an appropriate response to a major life change. While mourning may include acute sadness and other difficult emotions it can also include joy, laughter, and delight. What we know about grief has changed in recent years. Contrary to what our intuition may tell us, integrating the loss of a friend or family member into your life makes it possible to continue to live fully. 

This half-day retreat will examine common myths about grief that may be complicating your grieving process and offer a new understanding of grief to support your healing journey. The day will include rituals to help participants know what has happened is real and understand their changed relationship with their loved one in light of their passing.  The retreat will be held outdoors at Life Forest, a non-profit conservation burial forest spread across 13 acres and embraced by an additional 86 acres of conservation land in Hillsborough, NH.

Ritual & Ceremony Workshop Celebration & Remembrance


Wellness End-of-Life Planning Grief