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Reimagine Events
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The Art of Grieving Group. Using Art To Transform Loss March

The Art of Grieving Group. Using Art To Transform Loss March
Gather with author Sheila K Collins for a monthly group as we use our creativity to explore and InterPlay with our experiences around grief and loss.

Gather with author Sheila K Collins and others for a monthly group as we use InterPlay and our creativity to explore our experiences around grief, loss, and disappointments.  We will use her new book, The Art of Grieving: How Art and Artmaking Help Us Grieve and Live Our Best Lives to guide our explorations. We’ll play with storytelling, dance, music, and visual art to get good at grieving as a lifelong art. This morning InterPlay session will be interactive, allowing you to connect with yourself and others.


Movement & Dance Ritual & Ceremony Storytelling Writing & Literature Celebration & Remembrance
Wellness Grief Living Fully Relationships Collective Grief