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Reimagine Events
This event was part of Reimagine Events

The Art of Grieving: How art helps us live our best lives

The Art of Grieving: How art helps us live our best lives
Embracing grief as the art we need it to be, we look to the arts for inspiration–exploring voice and movement as the medicine to playfully process loss and create rituals of sanctuary and belonging

Join Sheila K Collins, PhD, Australian voice/movement therapist and InterPlay leader Trish Watts, and members of the InterPlay-based Wing & A Prayer Pittsburgh Players for this interactive 90-minute exploration of grieving as a life-long art. Looking to art and artists for inspiration, we’ll use InterPlay, a creative approach that involves the folk arts of dance, song, storytelling, and stillness. We’ll invite participants to share snippets of their own stories and what they have been learning about the art of grieving through this unprecedented time. This is the third of 4 workshops in this series. You may attend whether or not you have attended any of the others in this series.

Dr. Sheila K Collins PhD is a dancing social worker, grief advocate, and author of Warrior Mother: Fierce Love, Unbearable Loss and Rituals that Heal, Stillpoint: A Self-care Playbook for Caregivers to Find Ease, and Time to Breathe, and Reclaim Joy, and an upcoming book, The Art of Grieving, She directs InterPlay Pittsburgh and the InterPlay-based improvisational performance company Wing & A Prayer Pittsburgh Players.

InterPlay is an active, improvisational, creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. As an international social movement, InterPlay is dedicated to enabling ease and balance in human relationships across cultures and between people of different generations and backgrounds. Its practitioners have found that creatively playing with serious issues in community often gets us further than simply working on them.


Movement & Dance Ritual & Ceremony Music & Sound Storytelling Writing & Literature
Spirituality Arts & Entertainment Grief Isolation & Connection Living Fully