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Reimagine Events

Transformations for Grief

Hosted by Chris Dingman
Transformations for Grief

This is a digital event. You should receive information in your ticket or from the host about how to join online.

An online healing music & reflective space for grief support in community, with vibraphonist Chris Dingman, creative writing specialist Dr. Debbie Bronkema, and holistic psychotherapist Dina Percia

In these online sessions for people grieving a loss, acclaimed vibraphonist Chris Dingman plays evocative improvised music that guides an internal journey many have found comforting and healing. Creative writing specialist Dr. Debbie Bronkema and somatic therapist Dina Percia hold space with candle-lighting to honor and remember those we have lost, writing prompts designed to meet you where you are, and a short somatic awareness meditation.

We invite you to be as you are and explore what arises in a compassionate, safe, and supportive setting.

  • Sessions take place on Zoom, the first three Tuesdays of each month
  • Each session is centered around a grief-related theme
  • Every session is unique and responsive to the people who join.
  • Everyone participating fills out our online form in advance

More information about the program and the hosts at

"These sessions truly transport me into another dimension of experience… after the first few minutes I feel as though I’m flying, over water, with the sun shining down and reflecting off of the ripples below me… these sensations have lifted me out of some of the deepest moments of depression I’ve faced."

- D.Y., Transformations for Grief participant

"I am extremely grateful that I found these sessions just weeks after going through the death of a family member. The guides have created a safe and respectful space. I appreciated that all the elements of the sessions, the music, poetic writing prompts, and optional sharing circle, are non-directive. I felt that I could just show up and be exactly where I was that day. There were times during the sessions that I experienced cathartic sobbing and there were times that I felt deeply comforted, as if I were receiving a blessing through the music. “

- K.M., Transformations for Grief participant

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