Grief: Loving, Living, Thriving - Workshop & Retreat

In this workshop and mini-retreat, we will invite and honor our grief, visit inner wisdom and refuge, share and refresh our sense of connection. We will bring in heart-body-mind practices to support the grief process, rooted in Yasemin’s MCCG program.
We will hold these dear and elemental:
• Acknowledging that grief is a normal reaction to the losses we experience;
• Respect for our grief and being with it;
• Tapping into our inner resources to support us through grief.
We will practice techniques for:
• relaxation and calm,
• working with difficult emotions,
• cultivating present moment awareness.
Yasemin Isler is an end-of-life doula, grief educator and guide, hospice volunteer, circle keeper, integrative thanatologist, certified mindfulness teacher and writer. She serves the bereaved, those living with life altering illnesses, caregivers, those approaching end-of-life, and experiencing all losses. Creator of the MCCG program, she has supported grief journeys of many in group and 1:1 settings. She also brings with her 40+ years of personal contemplative practice, her own experiences of grief, loss, illness and caregiving. Yasemin is the founder of Grief Circles - Center of MCCG.