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Fostering Connections: The Unseen Strength of Caregivers

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Lily Liu
Lily Liu

May 06, 2024

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As we enter the month of May – Older Americans Month – I celebrate its theme for 2024: “Powered by Connection.” My own journey as a family caregiver has been over a decade long, and I have deeply craved connection in the isolation and loneliness of giving care at home, first for one parent with an acute illness and then for the other with a chronic, degenerative condition (Parkinson’s).

The busy schedule of a family caregiver with our daily tasks and many responsibilities often has meant going days without contact with neighbors and friends, especially during the pandemic. Meaningful relationships and the social connections that we forge have a critical impact on our physical and mental health and well-being. There have been weeks when I have not had time to pick up the phone and dial a friend or even greet a neighbor and engage in a quick chat. I, and so many other family caregivers, can attest to the negative effects of social isolation not only on our bodies but also on our mental and cognitive health.

Then, into my life came Reimagine and its wonderful virtual community – virtual event hosts, guest speakers, and event attendees, literally from around the country and sometimes even overseas! While my loved one rested or watched television, I could join in a Reimagine virtual event to learn new things related to loss and grief, share my own thoughts in inclusive and welcoming Zoom spaces as well as laugh, vent, or shed tears. Most importantly, I found community thanks to Reimagine and the vision of Founder Brad Wolfe to “spark connections”.

And as a 1.5-generation immigrant child who grew up on the East Coast of the United States in a state with not many Asian Americans, it was a special delight to make connections in Reimagine virtual events with Asian-American thought leaders already embracing end-of-life issues as death doulas, hospice volunteers, and providers of compassionate deathcare. Since May is also AANHPI Heritage Month, I celebrate their wisdom, courage in starting tough conversations, and grace. By the second year of the pandemic, I was welcomed into the company of Reimagine Collaborators and started hosting my own monthly series of events. Having my own Reimagine event to look forward to was a beacon of hope and joy – I knew I was going to enjoy being connected with others who shared similar experiences or interests and I would be in community. Even on a two-dimensional laptop screen, I could feel the support and sense of engagement from the attendees.

Now as Reimagine partners with the esteemed Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers to bring us an important three-part series shining a spotlight on family caregiving, 'Cultivating Caregiving: Seeds of Sorrow, Gardens of Growth,' I and other family caregivers will benefit from the information and resources shared by guest speakers. Most importantly, each virtual event will be an opportunity to connect with others passionate about all issues related to navigating the complex landscape of care. The current crisis of care begs for innovative solutions; we family caregivers demand acknowledgment of the obstacles we face and the resources we need.

During this Series, we can support each other in facing the challenges in our family caregiving journey and find a community that “gets” everything we experience day to day, sometimes literally hour to hour. Together, our community can effect change. As the renowned philosopher Dr. Seuss once wrote:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

So, please register for this Reimagine Series and see you all on Zoom!

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