Reimagine End of Life is a week exploring big questions about life and death. Join the City of Cleveland in a community-wide conversation.
What's Coming?
We're excited to bring Reimagine End of Life to Cleveland in 2019. Please stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, we invite you to review our upcoming week of programs for Reimagine NYC (Oct 27 - Nov 3).
See full schedule for Reimagine NYC here.
After attending a Reimagine event, over 90% of attendees identified feeling more grateful for their lives and the people in it.

Join the Conversation
“It was so nice to attend events where the age groups were diverse and many younger people were interested and talking about these bigger ideas. I was blown away, and very grateful to attend.”

Discover Community
“[Reimagine] made me feel alive. It made me feel connected. It was such an intimate encounter with strangers. It allowed me a peek into the hearts of many. I cried, I laughed with them. I wished them well on their journey even if I didn’t know them. It was this sense of belonging that I was yearning for as a foreigner in this city. For a moment, I felt the city’s heartbeat. It gave me reason to fall in love with SF all over again.”

Feel Connected
"The intergenerational nature of the events felt special and unique. The range of content, and the fact that so much of it was community-generated, was incredibly impressive. I left every engagement feeling more connected to my city, my friends who attended alongside me, and the topics of great importance to all in my life.”

Volunteer with us!
We’re looking for friendly, thoughtful and professional volunteers to help us with on the ground support during Reimagine Cleveland! Contact if you'd like to learn more about volunteer opportunities.