Host a Virtual Event
Reimagine works by empowering individuals and organizations around the world to host creative, meaningful events.
What are the steps to collaborate?

Step 1: Submit a proposal
Our open call for submissions period invites one and all to participate! To onboard collaborators and provide an organized, seamless planning process, you will need to submit a very simple Event Concept Proposal to confirm your intent to join the festival. We'll respond within 1-2 business days.
We understand that the nature of spaces created during our festival can be incredibly intimate, and you may not wish to host an event open to the public. Therefore, we have added an option of creating private events. You can invite your friends and family using a private link but your event will not be visible in the public festival schedule. To create a private event, you should still fill out the event concept proposal form and select "Private" when you enter your event into the Portal.
Step 2: Complete JEDI training (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion)
As part of our commitment to JEDI you will be asked to sign a Collaborator Pledge to affirm your commitment to these ideals, which you can learn more about here. You will also be required to complete The Art of Creating Inclusive Spaces, a 90-minute training developed in partnership with Holistic Underground.
Step 3: Upload event details and create a profile
Once your concept is accepted, use our online Collaborator Portal to complete a profile, add information to our library of community resources if you wish, and upload your final event details (title, description, time, photo, etc) and ticketing information (price, capacity, etc).
What Reimagine expects of collaborators
Reimagine is a small (but mighty) nonprofit, and we depend on you to be self-directed and resourceful to turn your event into a reality. You’re expected to produce all aspects of your event and promote it.
What collaborators can expect from Reimagine
We strive to amplify your individual efforts! We offer robust support processes and customized technologies, and we include your event in our festival programming, ticketing, and marketing. Additionally, we welcome you into an amazing and growing interdisciplinary community of collaborators who want you to succeed!
Visit our Help Center for more details
Here, you can find more details about our event hosting process and more information about the festival itself.
Submit your event proposal today! Why wait?
Submit proposalWhy participate in this festival?

Be part of something bigger
Every community, workplace, school, and family, should designate space for healing, honoring, listening, death, grief, love, and all that matters most. Advocate for the creation of these transformative spaces, help harness our collective energy for good and make a statement to the world by providing your own space for healing, processing, and togetherness.
Engage diverse audiences and communities
The themes that Reimagine focuses on are universal, and we want to be as inclusive as possible. Let's make these difficult and meaningful topics safe to discuss across different communities and global cultures.
A community of collaborators
Join a thriving and dynamic community of leaders and organizations committed to opening up the conversation around life and death. Now, in this digital environment, you not only have the opportunity to partner with people in your city, but we'll help you collaborate with people around the world.
Your voice, amplified
Reimagine will be marketing the events, plus you will be amplifying one another, so expect some increase in audience size relative to normal. We will also be showcasing your community resources, offerings, and organization details as part of a new public resources directory.
Learn and grow
We will provide you with free skill-based training, workshops, materials, and support on how to create a successful and inclusive space. That said, this is uncharted territory for all of us. We are in a unique time, with massive challenges. We’ll be learning, growing, and testing together. This is your chance to stretch and dream. We can guarantee one thing: this work is needed now more than ever.
What kind of events might I host?

This festival will feature events that inspire audiences to embrace life, face death, and/or live and love fully. Our aim is for your event to help transform our approach to illness, dying, grief...and living, and loving fully. Events must align with Reimagine’s core beliefs and values of inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility.
And as long as a live component is at the core of the event, virtual experiences of all kinds are welcome! We encourage interactive, interdisciplinary experiences; however, the content, format, and technology platform you choose--like Zoom, Facebook Live, or YouTube--is up to you.
Virtual program formats include
Concerts, workshops, exhibition walk-throughs, intimate conversations, ceremonies or rituals, film screenings, and talk-backs, author readings, artist studio visits, book club discussions, art-making projects, games, comedy, dance/movement, meditation, dinner parties, theater, end-of-life planning, cooking demonstrations, storytelling, and more.
If you wish to share websites, documents, and pre-recorded videos and podcasts, we encourage you to include those in the Resources section of our website. These resources on their own don’t constitute a live virtual experience.
We bring together people from the following sectors and disciplines
Arts & Culture
Design & Innovation
Health & Social Services
Faith & Spirituality
Check out events from past Reimagine festivals for inspiration:
Life, Loss, & Love 2020 (fully virtual and global)
San Francisco Bay Area 2019
New York City 2018