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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

Finally Friday

Hosted by Laura Nova

Finally Friday
"Finally Friday" at noon is a weekly dial-in offering conversation, interactive activities, and company with some "older" New Yorkers who will share expert advice. Essentially, what's worth knowing?

This week on "Finally Friday" the members of Phipps Plaza's Naturally Occurring Retirement Community in Kips Bay will share their joy potluck. What brings you joy? Connect with these soothsayers to share your own joy potluck and get a storied prediction and play extra-AUDIOnary!

RSVP for this event if you wish to participate by Zoom

Most members participate by Dial-in: +1 (929) 205 - 6099, and then enter meeting ID: 893 452 0253 #

Laura Nova is the Public Artist in Residence (PAIR) in the NYC Department for the Aging, a program administered by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs. As a PAIR, Nova's work focuses on social isolation and providing creative care to older New Yorkers.


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