Is there actually evidence of life after death?

Join skeptic Liz Entin and Psychic Medium Joe Perreta as they discuss if there is an afterlife.
Liz is the author of WTF Just Happened?!: A Sciencey Girl Explores Grief, Healing, and Evidence of an Afterlife. After a loss, Liz, a logical-minded atheist, decided to explore if there was any realistic hope of an afterlife. While she has not drawn a definite conclusion, she has been astounded by what she considers a preponderance of evidence.
Joe has passed rigorous testing to assure the information he gets is detailed and accurate (such as names of deceased loved ones), and obtained without cheating. He also participates in research experiments conducted through the University of Virginia. As a logical and “normal” person, he is as intrigued by his abilities as anyone.
They will talk about their experiences, such as what it is like to be a medium, what was the most shocking thing Liz encountered that helped change her mind, and some of the experiments they have done together.