Panel: Exploring New Roles & Support at End of Life & Beyond

Did you know that people living with life-limiting illnesses spend approximately 5% of their time with medical professionals, leaving family and friends to provide guidance and support in the remaining 95%? No small task to be sure!
With the Death Positive Movement have come a variety of emerging end of life (EOL) providers as well as a growing need to educate consumers around the “Who, What, When, Why and How” of their services. Our panel, an End of Life Doula (Arza Goldstein), End of Life/Grief/Living Losses Coach (Cathy Hope), Celebrant/Legacy Planner (Jasmine Tanguay) and Death Educator/Home Death-care/Funeral Consumer Consultant (Heather Massey), will discuss how they support clients and caregivers navigating advanced illness and grief.
Panelists will cover services, from diagnosis through to end of life and beyond including, scope of practice, guidelines & credentialing, stories & insights.
Moderated by Kimberly C. Paul, a former SNL staffer now telling a very different story as an EOL podcaster, storyteller, Ted X presenter and author. With Q & A.