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Creating Space
This event was part of Creating Space

Creating Space for Grief

Hosted by Jessica Murby

Creating Space for Grief
I kept coming across a disturbing theme when working in hospice and having an illness myself, there seems to be this secondary trauma added to grief from being in a world that generally turns away...

I wonder if that ‘turning away’ comes from being in a place that denies death on such a fundamental level. I wonder if we create our own space to turn toward death together, we can be more supported and accepted through our grief and other ‘dark’ times, and in turn be more supporting and accepting of others. The number of us connecting through Reimagine is proving that we’re ready for a cultural change re: death, and gives me hope that we are each creating ripple effects in our own communities.

This workshop includes allotted time to share experiences of grief. This grief may be for a loved one, a relationship, an illness, or any kind of loss you have experienced or are experiencing. As part of that sharing, you are invited to bring an object that represents your grief, if you like.

This workshop is offered as a drop-in or at a discounted rate as part of our Journey with Death Weekly Series

About the facilitators:

Kristabeth Atwood, M.Div is the founder of Rites of Passage, LLC. As a Life Transition Specialist, Kristabeth uses her gifts as a ritual designer, officiant, spiritual guide, and discernment coach to walk with people through life's changes. She feels privileged to help people honor and mark the meaningful moments that encompass all the seasons of life – from birth to death.

Jessica Murby is an author, occupational therapist, hospice volunteer, yogi, etc. that has a rare freakish adrenaline tumor condition- the experience of which has led to much of this work. You may preview her book ‘Alive for Now: Using Death as a Teacher to Thrive in Life’ here:

Please contact Jessica Murby ( or Kristabeth Atwood ( with any questions.

Talk, Panel, & Conversation Workshop Storytelling


Wellness Spirituality Grief