Let's Make Art About It: ThanksGrieving Part 1

Thanksgiving 2020? Yeah, it's complicated. With online resources and in virtual meeting through the week, we will have guided time to write, explore and "make art about it" using simple supplies and found materials. No art experience is necessary to be able to enter into a shared/alone creative process. Sign up for the virtual gatherings Part 1 and/or Part 2 and you'll also get daily prompts to center creative practice during the week of "ThanksGrieving."
If you're wanting to create space for new rituals and routines in this year...
If you're ready for some self-caring encouragement...
If you're tired, mourning, healing or struggling - there's room for you at the grown up "art table" to be with all the feelings and numbness and hope and sorrow.
Michelle Favreault, MA, MDiv is a Fellow of the Jewish Studio Project and works with individuals, families and communities to celebrate life's transitions with creativity, ritual and compassion. Her virtual events and workbooks are available at www.riteherenow.com