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Creating Space
This event was part of Creating Space

Tending Heart, Tending Grief

Tending Heart, Tending Grief
As part of The Gratitude Gathering, tend to your grief through creative expression with Oceana Sawyer, Jessica Reis, and Evelyn Andry.

NOTE: "Tending Heart, Tending Grief" is part of The Gratitude Gathering Retreat, which starts the evening of Nov. 20.

To register for this event: click “RSVP”, and you will be redirected to The Gratitude Gathering Retreat Registration page.

Tend your grief through the expressive arts. The experience begins in the body with movement and dance. Then we’ll bring you down a bit into some gentle breathwork and yoga postures which then flows into an opportunity to express your grief through artwork.

Items needed:

  • a few sheets of blank paper
  • coloring tools - crayons, pens, pencils, etc
  • space to move
  • journal

Meet your hosts:

Oceana Sawyer is an end-of-life doula specializing in the liminal space of active dying and after death bereavement. She writes and facilitates workshops on the topic of embodied grief, and in particular as it relates to the experience of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. Holding space for death cafes and private virtual living funerals are also among the pleasures of her work. She is also available for remote consultation for end-of-life planning and keeping vigil at the end of life. New programs are currently in development. Stay in touch via her website.

Jessica Reis - The Death Empath Jessica Reis is a Death Doula that nourishes with love, guidance and support while helping you navigate the loss of a family member, loved one or of oneself. She specializes in Grief, Loss, Shadow work and uses her intuitive abilities to better serve those she works with.

My name is Eve Andry and I am a survivor of childhood sexual violence. It was at my lowest point when I discovered the healing power of color and free expression through art. I create trauma Informed creative experiences that include many options for exploring movement and self-holding. I also use color, texture and shape the expression of grief and other emotions as I guide you through the whole experience creating opportunities for community and sharing.


Movement & Dance Ritual & Ceremony Visual Art Workshop Grief Support The Gratitude Gathering