Marked By COVID
- San Francisco, California
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We are here to reimagine...
The national response to COVID 19.
Our Story
Marked by COVID’s mission is to ensure that the United States implements a coordinated, data-driven national COVID response and promotes equitable restitution which centers public health and the economy. Marked By COVID was co-founded by Kristin Urquiza -- with the help of friends and family -- when her dad passed away from COVID following Governor Ducey’s downplay of coronavirus and subsequent ro...
Marked by COVID’s mission is to ensure that the United States implements a coordinated, data-driven national COVID response and promotes equitable restitution which centers public health and the economy. Marked By COVID was co-founded by Kristin Urquiza -- with the help of friends and family -- when her dad passed away from COVID following Governor Ducey’s downplay of coronavirus and subsequent rollback of Arizona’s shelter-in-place ordinance. The team wrote the first #HonestObit, invited the governor to her dad’s funeral, and held a vigil at the state capitol to honor her father and inspire safer public health policies.
Marked by COVID’s mission is to ensure that the United States implements a coordinated, data-driven national COVID response and promotes equitable restitution which centers public health and the economy. Marked By COVID was co-founded by Kristin Urquiza -- with the help of friends and family -- when her dad passed away from COVID following Governor Ducey’s downplay of coronavirus and subsequent rollback of Arizona’s shelter-in-place ordinance. The team wrote the first #HonestObit, invited the governor to her dad’s funeral, and held a vigil at the state capitol to honor her father and inspire safer public health policies.
Previous Reimagine events

COVID Memorial Day Virtual Vigil / Vigilia Virtual por les víctimas de COVID
March 07, 2022

COVID-19 Memorial Day Vigil
March 01, 2021

Reflections: Community Event for the National Covid Memorial
January 19, 2021

The Gratitude Gathering: Recollect & Reconnect
December 05, 2020

The Gratitude Gathering: Game Night with Oceana and Friends
November 29, 2020

The Gratitude Gathering: Balm for the Soul
November 29, 2020