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Reimagine Events
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A space to mourn, with empathy and movement

Hosted by Sasha Soreff

A space to mourn, with empathy and movement
When no words can fully convey the depth of our heartbreak, we can turn to embodied expression. When grief feels too big to hold alone, especially in the holiday season, we can turn toward community.

The experience of grief can be visceral and consuming, hard to describe and lonely in the attempt to do so. These big feelings can find articulation in somatic movement, opening the door for the healing that comes from expression. Being accompanied in our grief further opens the door for healing - to be held with care and to not be alone in our mourning. This is a space to acknowledge grief in community, with empathy and gentleness.

All movement can be done seated, standing, or lying down, and all movement invitations are optional: you can fully participate whether you move or not. All forms of creative expression and embodiment, including stillness, is welcome.

About Sasha Soreff

Sasha Soreff is a New York City-based choreographer, dance teacher, certified Resonant Healing Practitioner, empathy/movement facilitator, certified transformational coach,and cancer journeyer.

In workshops, Sasha weaves relational neuroscience, somatic movement, and transformational principles together, to support participants to discover deep self-connection and soulful expression—resulting in powerful, life-enhancing insights. Learn more about Sasha at


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