of Fear and Resolve, with Empathy and Movement

Fear and trepidation are potent forces. How can we access courage and embody resolve in times of uncertainty and alarm?
Empathic conversation, rooted in the principles of Non-Violent Communication and coupled with creative movement, invites us toward a growing sense of fortitude. When we are accompanied in our experiences, whether they are painful or joyful or somewhere in between, we can become more present to ourselves and others. Creative movement allows for the embodied expression of long-held feelings, bringing us from our heads into our hearts and toward a deeper level of self-connection, and healing.
All movement invitations are optional. All forms of creative expression and embodiment, including stillness, is welcome.
About Sasha Soreff
Sasha Soreff is a New York City-based choreographer, dance teacher, certified Resonant Healing Practitioner, empathy/movement facilitator, certified transformational coach,and cancer journeyer.
For three decades, Sasha has been guiding people of all ages, capacities, and comfort levels to connect to their bodies, emotions, and inner knowing. Sasha weaves relational neuroscience, somatic movement, and transformational principles together to support participants in support of self-connection, nervous system resourcing, and healing. Learn more about Sasha at sashasoreffdance.com