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Reimagine Events
This event was part of Reimagine Events

On Generosity, an Empathy/Movement experience

Hosted by Sasha Soreff

On Generosity, an Empathy/Movement experience
What does it mean to embody generosity? As we enter the holiday season, we'll gather to explore, with empathic conversation and movement, what it is to give and to receive with generosity.

The holiday season brings with it many things, including practices around gift giving. What is your relationship to generosity, and what do you want it to be?

Empathic conversation, rooted in the principles of Non-Violent Communication and coupled with creative movement, invites us to connect with our experiences around generosity with compassion and support. When we are accompanied in our experiences, whether they are painful or joyful or somewhere in between, we can become more present to ourselves and others. Creative movement allows for the embodied expression of long-held feelings, bringing us from our heads into our hearts and toward a deeper level of self-connection and healing.

All movement can be done seated, standing, or lying down, and all movement invitations are optional: you can fully participate whether you move or not. All forms of creative expression and embodiment, including stillness, is welcome.

About Sasha Soreff

Sasha Soreff is a New York City-based choreographer, dance teacher, certified Resonant Healing Practitioner, empathy/movement facilitator, certified transformational coach,and cancer journeyer.

In workshops, Sasha weaves relational neuroscience, somatic movement, and transformational principles together, to support participants to discover deep self-connection and soulful expression—resulting in powerful, life-enhancing insights. Learn more about Sasha at


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