Recalculating: A Conscious Dance Practice

“When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Get quiet so you can hear the still, small voice, your inner GPS guiding you to true North.”
— Ashwin Sanghi
How were we navigating our lives before the pandemic? As some of us are going into the world again, do you feel you are going back or do you feel you are moving forward? Is going back the way forward or do we need to recalculate? Regardless of where you find yourself today, please join us in activating your capacity to get back on track during these periods of constant change!
The invitation is for you to breath with awareness, to step with intention, and to let your body be moved from within. Through this conscious dance practice you will be inspired to allow new personal insights to emerge, and to point towards co-creating a more humane world.
Dance skills or experience is not necessary. Your loving presence will be greatly appreciated.
Important note: this is a participatory event and it would be required that all who attend can turn the video camera on, at least during introduction in order to contribute to a safe space during our time together. Otherwise, the participant will be invited to leave the zoom meeting. I appreciate your understanding.
Picture by Hulki Okan Tabak