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Share Your Story: Lyn Prashant, Somatic Thanatologist

Hosted by Grieving Coach

Share Your Story: Lyn Prashant, Somatic Thanatologist
Everyone has a story. Our experiences make us who we are. Join Grief Coach Jenny Dilts and Grief Counselor Lyn Prashant, founder of Degriefing®: Integrative Grief Therapy, as we dive deeply into Grief

Have you ever wondered what makes someone tick? Why do they do what they do?

Everyone has a story. Our experiences make us who we are. In this podcast series, Grief Coach Jenny Dilts invites people to share their stories as we discover the extraordinary in ordinary people and explore humanity one heart at a time.

Joining us this time is Lyn Prashant, Somatic Thanatologist, Certified Grief Counselor, and ADEC (The Association for Death Education and Counseling) Fellow in Thanatology. Lyn trains, counsels, consults, in the U.S. and abroad working with loss of any kind. She wrote “Transforming Somatic Grief, training manual” and is the founder of Degriefing®: Integrative Grief Therapy. Degriefing employs both verbal and physical methodologies to relieve an individual’s emotional distress, mental anguish and physical discomfort. She has a wealth of experience including residing at the Living/Dying Project working with Stephen and Ondrea Levine, as well as working with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and many others. 

In this episode we will hear how Lyn got into Grief Work, what she’s learned from pioneers in the field, and where her adventures have taken her. 


To listen to previous episodes of Share Your Story, visit

Talk, Panel, & Conversation Storytelling


Wellness Spirituality Grief Living Fully