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Share Your Story: Selina Chesire, author and coach

Hosted by Grieving Coach

Share Your Story: Selina Chesire, author and coach
Everyone has a story. Our experiences make us who we are. In this podcast-like series Grief Coach Jenny Dilts brings others to share their story as we discover the extraordinary in ordinary people.

Have you ever wondered what makes someone tick? Why do they do the work they do?

In this episode we will meet Selina Cheshire. 

Who is Selina?

Selina Cheshire is a survivor of Stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma turned Wellness Coach. She worked as a Christian Science nurse for over 11 years. She lives in Sutton Coldfield, England with her husband Rob. They do not have children between them but 4 adult children from previous marriages and 5 grandchildren. Selina was born in Zimbabwe and moved to the U.K. in 2002.

Selina is passionate about leading others to self-discovery and lifestyle improvement through nutrition, healthy lifestyle ideas, transforming negative habits and goal-setting and implementation. Her message is simple 

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Though health living and nutrition are central to her focus, Selina offers a tailor-made programme designed for each individual covering these areas: health, relationships, career, finance, education, homecooking, creativity to name a few.

Selina is also a highly creative individual and enjoys gardening and sewing. She also recently published a book on her experience with cancer titled, My Pain My Teacher and a second one she wrote with her friend Fungisai Ruraka, Free Your Body, Free Your Mind, both are available on Amazon.

Talk, Panel, & Conversation Storytelling Writing & Literature


Wellness Grief Healthcare Living Fully Social Justice & Race