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Share Your Story: Sharna Southan, Pregnancy Loss Coach

Hosted by Grieving Coach

Share Your Story: Sharna Southan, Pregnancy Loss Coach
Everyone has a story. Our experiences make us who we are. Join Grief Coach Jenny Dilts and Pregnancy Loss Coach Sharna Southan as we talk about how to find magic in your life following pregnancy loss.

Have you ever wondered what makes someone tick? Why do they do what they do?

Everyone has a story. Our experiences make us who we are. In this podcast series, Grief Coach Jenny Dilts invites people to share their stories as we discover the extraordinary in ordinary people and explore humanity one heart at a time.

My guest this afternoon is Sharna Southan is a Pregnancy Loss Coach & Self Healing Spiral Practitioner. She is also a beautiful Mum to a toddler and her rainbow baby, as well as a loving Wife & a business owner with her husband.

After experiencing her own pregnancy loss in 2017, she followed her heart and soul into business to help guide and support women through Pregnancy Loss. Sharna also founded the Institute of Healing through Pregnancy Loss.

Sharna firmly believes that our adversity gives us an opportunity to grow. For our Soul to grow. It allows us to shed all that isn't serving us in our life, to reconnect to our heart and soul, and build a life that serves us on a Holistic Level. It's a chance to develop ourselves, grow & re-prioritise things in our life so we are living aligned to our core values.

Sharna can be found at:




Jenny Dilts is a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people transform grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. From her personal experiences with grief, she has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients transform their grief from foe to friend. To learn more visit her website at She can also be found on Facebook and LinkedIn.

For more episodes of the Share Your Story series, visit

Talk, Panel, & Conversation Storytelling Celebration & Remembrance


Wellness Grief Isolation & Connection Living Fully