What Thing brings you joy, magic & meaning?

Remember show and tell from elementary school?
Do you hold onto an object of a loved one who has died? Perhaps you lost them during the pandemic or from long ago? How do you keep the memory of them alive?
In honor of Pride Week, we welcome Pride stuff & stories.
My friends Bill Shapiro & his partner Naomi Wax, traveled the country asking people a simple question “What Thing brings you joy, magic & meaning?” Their beautiful book What We Keep is a deeply moving representation of how objects hold our most significant stories.
Look around your home, your office, your self…. Every Thing has a story(c)… what Thing(s) tell yours?
Join us on the stoop to share YOUR story of a Thing that matters.
We KNOW that the best things in life aren’t things…. but Things have a way of holding memories of the people, places & experiences that make up the best things in our lives.
Share a little bit of your personal history with neighbors & strangers through What We Keep aka Things That Matter.
You’re always welcome to look & listen.
All proceeds will be donated to Stoop Stories(TM)