CANCELLED: How to Talk to Your Parents About Death

What is important to your parents? Do you know? It's a complex conversation that is better had well before you need to. It's a challenge to start but we'll share our personal stories to help your conversations along. We are 2 first generation daughters who are at different points in the end of life process with our families:
*In 2019, one of us started a conversation with her family which continues today
*In 2019, one of us had both parents die and is grieving today
Our cumulative experiences span the arc of end-of-life care and grief.
Tida Beattie and Soyeon Davis are end-of-life doulas, community educators, and grief activists. After discovering an absence of culturally appropriate end-of-life care resources for their immigrant families, this prompted them to co-found MESO, dedicated to providing resources and support for immigrants and their families at the intersection of heritage, culture, care, loss, and grief.
Talk, Panel, & ConversationThis event is in honor of We would like to honor our parents. Please see below.
Tida is speaking in honor of her parents, Dr. Ananta and Pathamara Srikumpol. Your lives have inspired me to become an advocate for immigrants and their next generations, a resource I desperately wished we had ourselves in your deaths.