Death & Femininity

We tend to place an immense amount of importance on having an answer, on doing something to fix a problem, on being in control, and making sense of everything. These are mainly masculine qualities. They are important qualities, and certainly have their place. A balance of those with feminine virtues is what I find to be dangerously lacking, which has been exemplified in a variety of ways poignantly throughout history and uniquely now. The feminine is about embracing the mysteries, the paradoxes, about listening and surrendering, with so much that we discount yet that death asks of us, both in terms of being there for others and when our time comes. (An excerpt from my book, Alive for Now)
We will explore the feminine and masculine within ourselves. We will consider how these polarities display themselves in your everyday lives, and in turn how that may affect us and our loved ones when it comes to dying and living.
In prep for this workshop, please consider a mystical experience you have had in your life. This can be any experience that be considered ‘woo-woo’ ~ a dream, synchronicity, something that gave you a sense there is more going on here than meets the eye, etc. We will have allotted time to briefly share one of these experiences with the group. It is of course not required that you share one, but I think it is incredibly important to simply have a space to do so.
About the hosts:
Jessica Murby is an author, occupational therapist and hospice volunteer with a rare, freakish adrenaline tumor condition, the experience of which has led to much of this work.
Kimberly Sowers is a grief counselor and facilitator who helps people tap into their own wisdom as they walk through loss and bereavement.