A VOICE is our thanks to nurses in the World Nurses Day that this year coincides with the bicentenary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the Lady with a lamp.
A light will ideally illuminate the role of nurses to the people of the world. Involved as professionals in the front line in the management of the pandemic, they witnessed both the transformation of their work when hospitals and territorial assistance structures were suddenly overwhelmed by events than the personal one.
Their routine has changed, they have been separated from their beloved ones out of prudence, so as not to infect them.
They have lived different stories, sometimes protected by gloves and masks, sometimes without protective devices, but always alongside sick people - with mild symptoms or in desperate situations - listening to them.
They were there, working hard days and nights.
We have heard second-hand stories, but now we would like to directly hear the sound of their voices telling us the critical experience lived in the field from an organizational and clinical point of view, but also the human ones.
This, to write a new story page with more hands and A VOICE.
We will start with a remembrance about Florence Nightingale, then we will share data set from Italy, the first country of the global North affected by the virus. Finally, we will have meaningful and inspiring connections and talks with participants.
On the same occasion, we will launch a survey in different languages addressed to all the nurses in the world to catch their feelings, fears, fatigue, hopes, experiences facing COVID-19, and to collect images.