Healing Art Session: Meditation & Ceramic Flowers

Combining healing modalities, this workshop is designed to connect you to your body's intelligence - encouraging you to create from the rich resource of energy and power that lives in all of us. Similar to our bodies, clay is inextricably linked to the earth. As our hands mould clay into aesthetic forms our tactile senses connect our psyches to their ultimate source of our existence - the earth. You may use your creations to adorn your home altar, memorial, or your beautiful body as you travel this world.
My love for ceramics was born from the necessity to heal. It was after surviving several traumatic events that I was led to clay as a healing modality. The act of creating from clay molded deep wounds in my subconscious mind ultimately transforming them - making space for possibility.
It is no coincidence that my work with clay has taken me on an unexpected healing journey. Nature is the ultimate inspiration for the cycles of life and death our bodies experience and our souls inhabit. I invite you to join me in this acknowledgement: from the earth we are born, and to the earth we return.
Materials needed: clay (native, stoneware or polymer); small teaspoon; fork; butter knife; glass bottle, jar or cup with smooth surface; table. Optional: waxed parchment paper, wire stems.