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Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

How We Heal Together - Remote Reiki & Guided Meditation

Hosted by Let's Heal NYC

How We Heal Together - Remote Reiki & Guided Meditation
Remote Reiki & Guided Meditation - an experiential workshop to foster healing and serenity during times of uncertainty.

Together we will:

Create a safe space

Center through guided meditation

Experience the nurturing power of Remote Reiki

Boshko Boskovic is the founder of Let's Heal NYC, a private practice specializing in Reiki treatments.

We start off with a brief introduction about Reiki and how it is used remotely to provide healing to individuals at a distance. After the guided meditation, Boshko will send Reiki to the whole group for 25 minutes as we come together in deep relaxation to recharge and reconnect with ourselves. At the end, we will have 10 minutes to share what we experienced. This workshop is designed for beginners and meditation practitioners of all levels.

Reiki is a complementary health modality integrating themes of connection, spirituality and well being. Originating in Japan, Reiki is a spiritual healing practice which helps the body release physical, emotional and psychological constraints and improves health and wellness.

How to prepare for workshop:

  • Create a comfortable place to rest your body lying down on your back on a yoga mat or bed for 40 minutes
  • Place the computer so your body can be viewed by the Reiki practitioner via Zoom
  • Have some water to hydrate the body after the Remote Reiki session.



Wellness Spirituality