Two Wings- Grief & Gratitude Ritual. Session 4

Song & ritual are safe containers for the most difficult of emotions and for the often unspeakable rifts, losses & separations.
We will guide you through a series of sacred rituals creating space to come as you are, to feel & express your hearts profound shifts when living with & moving through sorrow.
We will take time to remember, honour and claim our scar stories and use music as a healing balm for the soul.
Grief and gratitude each have their own voice in the music of the spheres, allowing them to be in duet and in harmony requires letting go into the great mystery of life and death.
1hr 15mins ritual.
Bring if you’re able:
· wool, threads, ribbons, cloth (representing that which is woven)
· a candle
· a symbol representing a family heirloom or group belonging (it could be a piece of sporting equipment, a religious item, a songbook etc.)
· a journal, pen and crayons
About Trish Watts:
Trish is a registered Voice Movement Therapy Practitioner, Singer/Songwriter and Community Choir Director. Based in Sydney, Australia, she believes passionately that ‘Every life can SING’, finding the nerve to voice who we truly are, whether at work, home or creating in between.
Her life work is anchored in the bedrock of ‘play’. She is trained in InterPlay ®- an improvisation based community arts practice, founded by Cynthia Winton-Henry & Phil Porter USA. Trish co-founded InterPlay Australia.
Trish is a published songwriter and recording artist with training in Music Education and Sacred ‘Spirited’ World Music. She has offered sacred & creative retreats, workshops & performances the past 40yrs.
Trish has directed many a cappella choirs, including the Sydney and Cambodia Threshold Choirs (singers who sing beside bedsides in palliative care and recovery) and more recently the Music Arts School Community Choir of Phnom Penh. Trish cofounded the startup of a not for profit organization -‘Cambodia Sings’ –‘rekindling the love of singing for all Cambodians’.
For more info; ;;
FB: Trish Watts Soul Voice
About Tony Hole:
Tony is an educator, facilitator and musician based in Adelaide, South Australia. He learnt classical piano in childhood, and developed his own improvisational and compositional style. Percussion and rhythm are also home for Tony, having learnt traditional drumming at the cultural sources in Ghana and India.
Tony is an accredited teacher and performer of InterPlay, a system of improvisational forms for dance, storytelling and voice. He is also an accredited teacher of TaKeTiNa: a group rhythm meditation process, having studied under its founder, Reinhard Flatischler. He is a member of Yellow Blue Bus, a global fusion ensemble with Ukrainian folk music influences